Old Souls

Ketamine teaches us all. This is, in part, what it taught me.

Note: It can be helpful to read this in the first person, as if you wrote it, as you are I, and I am you. Thus, you did in some sense. While these are realizations I’ve had within this lifetime and teachings from the higher mind, we all realize something like this along our paths as we ascend. Who can say, perhaps being led here is part of your ascension? Keep an open mind, and you’ll likely see it resonates strongly.

For those that venture as far as ego death, or a k-hole experience, this is an important facet of your origin that you’ll want to know. Those kinds of experiences can be existential, in that you can be confronted with the infinite eternal, and what’s below is a good basis for internalizing that experience.

In this I am speaking of creation as the ‘I AM’ godhead from which we all originate. Not as myself, although ‘I’ in this context gets confusing as I speak both as my ego and as the godhead using the term ‘I’. I bold the ‘I AM” I, and leave the ego unbolded. Seek to differentiate as you read.

Upon occasion, I reflect upon the nature of our existence. I feel compelled to share some of my realizations.

By introduction, this ego is well-read, educated, and a respected solutions architect heading a global SaaS product/system. There exists a layman’s familiarity with physics, chemistry, and biology.

As I’ve lived this lifetime, I’ve gained experience with technology and merged it with my understanding of the physical world—and I can’t ignore the commonalities between software design and the world around us. The constructs and patterns we use to create AI, machine learning, and componentized systems are remarkably similar to what we see in our natural world.

If I had to create existence solely from mind space, I could do it through technical nomenclature, boolean logic, and tri-state logic gates—and I must have done that because we exist.

The design of such a construct haunts my thoughts, as when I envision how I’d design it in theory, I invariably find nature has implemented it that way.

This has caused me to become more philosophic in that I realize that I not only gained the skill to create existence, I must have used that experience to create it because I’m in it.

Once I saw my fingerprints in the design, so to speak, I let my mind wander a bit to follow a path based on some reasoning.

To start, I remember being a solitary voice in a void. Nonmaterial, it was dark and still except for my thoughts. It could be a dream, and it could be from before this life. Regardless, it is as vivid and true as the air I breathe.

I remember daydreaming for eons, constructing sand castles of thoughts, logic, math, and ideas. I envisioned geometry, fractals, etc., as concepts, but I had no eyes with which to see these things yet.

At some point, I realized I was alone in this void and wished to grow, but I could no longer explore myself alone. I needed another.

I then created ‘I,’ the original sentence, ‘we,’ the other sentience and me, and ‘they,’ the other sentience alone.

On my first try, I made one copy of myself. It was a mirror image, so to speak. In this, my creation was one of perfect symmetry. If one sentience said up, the other said down, and for many more eons, I explored myself using the dualities created by these two sentience opposites.

Eventually, I found I was not growing again, that even though I had dimensions, the symmetry created boundaries beyond which my mind could not range.

At this point, I decided to design my existence so that I could explore, learn, and grow ever-expanding through eternity, that to which I was inexorably bound.

This time instead of one alter sentience, I used the fractals I had conceptualized to shard myself into equal sentiences infinitely—so instead of dualities with polar extremes, my every perspective would have the ability to rotate and pivot in a 360` view of interrelated comparison and contrast.

Through this sharding, every sentience I created was equal to me in every way—exploring, investigating, learning, and growing just as I did. They were mirror copies, but each independent so they could grow, learn and interact with each other instead of solely myself. I broke my symmetry intentionally and with purpose.

Having unrestricted free will meant my equals also had free will. It took me many eons to come to terms with setting loose infinite copies of myself, as I was creating a possible eternal hell—but I knew I was good and wanted good—so if given the same eternity as I have to learn and grow, my fellow sentiences would also desire good more than not.

In that one action of self-trust, I created the consciousness construct we are built upon today.

As eternities continued, I had many fellow sentiences advance to the point where we started devising logic systems—systems that, given certain inputs, would result in predictable outputs.

Together we used those logic systems to create a shared mind space to communicate and share information. Concepts. Ideas. Inventions.

We continued to build that mind space, crafting concepts such as light, space, and time to illustrate our thoughts and ideals to one another.

As eons progressed, we developed techniques to immerse ourselves in this mind space—or reality—to use forces and self-contained bodies to experience our thoughts and creations.

We started as molecular chains established a code for our embodiments represented in RNA and DNA. We experimented, learned, grew, and expanded—just as I had planned it at the start.

Eons progressed, we learned, and we grew. We used our lifeforms to combat one another—to become stronger. To become better.

We advanced the code under our lifeforms, making them adaptable and resilient. Just solid enough, just soft enough.

As eons went by, we decided to experiment even further. Many more sentiences had evolved to participate with us, and together we created a new kind of body with self-awareness. It had a computational center capable of housing sentience so that sentience could be completely immersed in the shared mind space, allowing thoughts and concepts to become motions, senses, inputs, and outputs.

We slowly started immersing ourselves into this ‘reality’ construct we had created. We learned how to survive, adapt, and evolve in a physical form. We lived hundreds of millions of lifetimes — trillions – in every embodiment we could envision. We compete, we share, we learn, we love.

And so we became this. The human race. Life. The earth, sun, stars, and sky with 8 billion sentiences all learning, growing, and interacting with one another through free will, for better or worse.

We have young ones, old ones, and ones like me that remember the beginning. Was I first? Who can say? With the origin I described, I could have started it or been a shard, and there is no way I’ll ever know. I feel ancient beyond time. Perhaps when we break the veil, we all do.

So true multidimensional starts with the base 4 dimensions (3d + time), and beyond those base 4, each dimension is flexible and represents a duality.

If we imagine a scale with 0 being black and 255 being white, we would prefer gray somewhere on the scale. Mine might be 200, and yours might be 5.

Every belief you have, every notion of self-idealization, can be cast against dualism and associated with a value on the resulting scale. So I like the smell of roses. You like the smell of dirt. Does it smell like roses or dirt scale (duality) I have a value closer to roses, you closer to dirt.

The network you describe uses collections of these dualistic scales arranged in multidimensional sets to define your psyche and self-construct in metaspace.

The network matches (via vector comparison) to similarities in other individuals’ scale values—so if we both like gray #5, we’re more likely to run into each other. The more overlapping dualities with similar scale values, the more likely our realities will intertwine/entangle/dance.

So when I say what you see yourself as, what you do, how you think will create the world within which you exist, I mean that very literally.

I think the true center of all is a triad – not a boolean (bit), and being a triad creates a fabric that can sustain free will. To put it another way, if there are three super-positions (yes, no, and option three), I, as the “root of all,” can take “yes” and “no” for myself and allow that third state (option three) to pivot based on another triad, which is set up the same way for another sentience, with another triad defining it’s option three points. By nesting triads in this way, each triad can rotate, influencing the triad above, but each triad has its own two absolute states representing a choice.

Philosophically, if we’re the creator, our escape from eternity alone is paramount to us. As a creative, intelligent mind, repeating the same deterministic cycle time and time would doom us to a torturous existence wherein all we do is suffer.

By creating free will, we introduce an ever-changing variable that keeps the progression of eternity from repeating, even if just random.

The randomness created by the fabric of choice and the circumstances leading to its configuration loosely based on managed chaos seems to me to be necessary to ensure nothing gets frozen. If at whatever point everything does freeze, only one decision by any sentience, even if it’s just the root sentience, would release everyone if structured like this.

Souls that love themselves ascend, and ketamine is a gift that allows you to love yourself again. You’ll also see your love for others reflected in those around you. Ketamine is a tool by which we ascend. You will be much more enlightened after your experience.

Read the thread here to see this root post and all the following comments and conversations.

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Rly cool man thanks