“I love myself and I need to feel love from others without worry if they are being truthful or not”
That is one of the first things I wrote in my journal after my third therapy session. How strange it is that we grow up thinking we know what love is and what it means to love and be loved, when the reality is that we have no real idea of what it truly means to be loved or to love others. Often, the word “love” is used to represent an intimate feeling, rather than one of appreciation, respect, and admiration. As a community of humans living on this earth, it seems that we have lost our way when it comes to love. It’s high time we rediscovered the true meaning of love and started treating each other with the love, care, and respect that we all deserve.”

During my third session, I didn’t have any specific goals or intentions. My only aim was to be present in that moment with the medicine and to absorb whatever the universe had to offer. At that point in my life, I was contemplating a change in my profession and was uncertain if it was the right decision. This uncertainty manifested itself during the session.
As the session began, I experienced a warm, comforting sensation. This was an unusual feeling for me as I had been struggling with anxiety and panic for most of my life. I took note of this feeling because I had never experienced it before in my 36 years on this planet. I welcomed it into my mind and embraced it as best I could.

I was experiencing a comfortable feeling when I started having thoughts of love and openness. I have always struggled to believe people when they tell me something about myself, be it their feelings for me or their opinion on something I’ve done. It always seemed to me like they were just trying to make me feel better about myself. During my therapy session when I felt this warmth and love, I started to focus on where this feeling of untruthfulness was coming from.
I allowed my mind to wander and it came back with a resounding truth – love is the foundation of life and affects everything around us. It’s perfectly okay to love and be loved without any hesitation or fear of deception. The majority of people are honest and transparent with their emotions and thoughts towards you, so there’s no need to doubt their intentions. It’s crucial to accept help from others and not perceive it as a game or trick, as people genuinely want to assist you. Remember, love and trust are the cornerstones of a fulfilling life.

As I descended from my session, I felt a deep sense of self-awareness wash over me. It was as if my inner self had taken over and was speaking to me in a gentle yet confident tone. It provided me with words of encouragement and assurance that I had made the right choice by pursuing a new career path. It painted a vivid picture of what my life would look like if I were to work in that job and showed me the endless opportunities and freedoms that would come with it.
I decided to take a moment to connect with the universe and ask it to hear my desires and aspirations. I surrendered myself to the universe, accepting that everything that comes my way is part of a greater plan. Above all, I reminded myself that self-love and acceptance are crucial to my success and happiness.